Dr. Ludy Green is a keynote speaker, author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on economic empowerment for victims of abuse and violence against women. A human rights activist for over 20 years, she speaks regularly in national and international venues on the importance of financial autonomy in breaking the abusive patterns that hold captive victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.
What people are saying about Dr. Ludy Green…
US Department of Defense,
Military and Families Learning
Thank you for your outstanding presentation to the Military Families Learning Network. Our members were empowered by learning the signs of domestic violence in the workplace, valuable resources for human resources managers and colleagues to support victims suffering from abuse, and the model of Second Chance Employment Services to provide long-term meaningful employment as a means for victims to permanently break free from abuse.
Partnership Against Domestic
Violence, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Ludy Green’s keynote presentation was the highpoint for our conference. Her own story of growing up in domestic violence, breaking free, starting Second Chance Employment Services, and successfully lobbying the US Congress to pass a key provision of the Violence Against Women (VAWA) captivated the audience from start to finish!
Lehigh University, PA
Dr. Green has unique experiences and insights into violence against women and children globally that no other speaker is able to share. She is the perfect speaker to address issues of gender violence around the world. Her personal stories are moving and heartfelt and truly make an impact on students. Additionally, she is not only able to talk about gender violence, she is able to provide concrete solutions to ending it. It is evident that Dr. Green cares about the students she is presenting to.
“By telling the stories of real women in real situations, Dr. Ludy Green not only isolates the reasons why domestic violence victims choose to stay in abusive relationships, but shows innovative ways in which they can move forward.”
-Arianna Huffington
The Huffington Post Media Group
“Dr. Green’s book speaks to the millions of families whose lives are affected by domestic abuse, as well as those in social services, academia, government, business and non-profit organizations interested in helping abused women regain their lives. A must read!”
-Senator Bob Dole